
Meet the designer

Hello, I am Dana!

For me, flower design is not just a job, it is my passion!

I start this journey quite early in life, soon after College, back in Romania were I am originally from, by making bouquets and small arrangements for a florist…  Even though, my job there was more office orientated, I enjoyed so much the floral art environment that I knew than that this is what I am going to follow. In 2009, I had the chance to move to France, into a small southern city called Alès, and there, very rapidly I was employed by a brand new florist shop, Lolla Fleurs (www.facebook.com/lolafleurs30). Here, things were completely different… the exigence level, the elegance and the shop style were definitely something else, and the only familiar connection I found was through the flowers. It took me some time to adjust, adapt and learn, but at Lolla, I had the chance to work with several passionate floral designers, like Marine, Claude, Gael and during the next 7 years I learned from them not only the bases of wedding floral art and skills, but also, how important the communication with the brides is. They were very good at this, I will always remember!

In 2015, I left France and moved to Raleigh, North Carolina were I start working as a wedding floral designer at English Garden (www.englishgardenraleigh.com), one of the finest florist shop in town. Generally speaking, the wedding typo in NC has not to much to do with the French sophistication, being more inclined towards wild florals and rustic lines and colors. Working with Cidney (the English Garden owner) for more than 3 years, I learn and embraced this new style appreciating and enjoying the diversity of wedding flower preferences around the world. There was the moment that I feel ready, and in 2019 I open my own shop, FleursTouch. In the beginning I worked exclusively with Keisha (www.instagram.com/kscottweddings), a wedding planer recognized locally by the variety and exoticism of her weddings. During the following 2 years, I had the chance to design the flower arrangements for 7 weddings coordinated by Keisha, and these experiences were distinctively unique (a 12×12 feet flower wall on wood structure,  a 8x16x16 feet wood cubical arch, etc.).

In 2020, we moved to Toronto, Canada, a big and vibrant city. Here, I start working as floral designer at Ashton Creative (https://www.instagram.com/ashtoncreative/). Ashly (the owner) is only responding to luxury wedding offers, maintaining a reputation of impeccability in design and service. Her style combine the North American culture with the European, more like French, lines. I was prepared and blending the two styles came so naturally and effortlessly to me that my connection with Ashly quickly grew into a close friendship.

Last stop. In February 2023 we moved here, in Tacoma. I re-opened FleursTouch and start working manly directly with the brides, but also with some wedding planers and several local venues.

From sophisticated to rustic, from exotic to luxury, from Europe to North America, to me, the wedding floral design is not just a job, it is truly my passion.   

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